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Cancellation and Refund Policy

This Cancellation and Refund Policy was published on 01 December 2022

Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renewal is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current subscription period. We can charge you for the future payment subscription if you didn’t turn off automatic renewal in your account.

In case you didn’t turn off automatic renewal, you will be charged for the next subscription period at the start of the next period. You can cancel a subscription through your account or with assistance of our support team via e-mail. You understand and confirm that if you forget to disable auto-renewal for new subscription period, it will not be a reason for a refund.

Subject to the applicable law and to this Cancellation and Refund Policy conditions, you may be eligible to receive a full refund within 14 days following the day of your purchase as long as refund reasons do not contradict the Cancellation and Refund Policy conditions outlined below.

No refund will be issued after 14 days have elapsed since the purchase date.

No refund will be issued in case the user has lost its login and\or password.

No refund can be issued to a user in case the reasons for a refund are completely beyond our control. They include, but are not limited to:

  • You/user do not have Internet access;
  • A user does not follow the installation guidelines of our customer support team via email or telephone call;
  • A user does not accept technical assistance;
  • Personal reasons (I’ve changed my mind, I’ve made a purchase by mistake, Services were not used, etc.).

We do not accept refunds based on individual sensitivities or intolerances. If you believe that you for some reason deserve a refund of a prior membership fee, please email [email protected].

All requests for refunds must be made by the person who originally purchased the membership. All refunds are processed from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00. In order to receive a refund, please contact our support via email [email protected].